Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goyal
Vaish College,
I am greatly rejoiced and proudly place on record the fact that Vaish College established in 1944, the visionary dream of its founders, the humble servants of education with a mission to transform the youth into the great citizen of nation. Keeping pace with digitized India, the college will now have a space in the web world also. With a state of the art building the college has an excellent infrastructure and modern amenities. The qualified teaching staff with a team of dedicated, non-teaching professionals make this institution a hub of academic excellence. Academic Staff of the college has significant knowledge about paradigm shift in the educational system. Hence, they strive to develop in students the knowledge, confidence and requisite skills for specific jobs. Apart from that, emphasis is put on the mental, intellectual and moral upliftment of the students so that they can lead a healthy and sound life with positive perspective.
Our College cares for the individual development of each and every student. Our college focuses on providing maximum practical experiences to the students by practical implementation of their gained bookish knowledge. Thus they inculcate the capabilities and potential to face the challenges. The college offers various courses in all the streams of Arts, Commerce and Sciences. To make education an interesting and two way learning process, the college has various clubs and societies in all the disciplines. Cultural and co-curricular activities certainly form and integral part of our education. The college successfully organized University Youth Festival of Chaudhary Bansi Lal University with much vigour and enthusiasm. Our sportspersons represent the college and university in various National and International events. Our teachers strive to teach mot only academic programmes but also life skills needed for students self development with highly resourceful faculty. I hope that college website will bring more transparency to know about college administration and its functioning. It will also prove beneficial to students by providing an easy access to the latest updates of the college.