Sr. No TitleDownload
1 Policy document on environment and energy usage Download
2 Annual Report 2019-2020Download
3 Annual Report 2018-2019Download
4 Action Taken report on Gender Equity and Women Empowerment 2019-2020Download
5 Action Taken report on Gender Equity and Women Empowerment 2018-2019Download
6 E-governance policy Download
7 Policy for Financial Support for teaching StaffDownload
8 IQAC Notification (2018-2019)Download
9 Perspective Plan (2015 - 2025)Download
10 AQAR 2022-23Download
11 VCB -Annual report 2022-23Download
12 Best Practices 2022-23Download
13 Activity Detail 2022-23Download
14 7.1.9(2022-23) relevant document Download
15 Specific Facilities for girl Students 2022-23Download
16 Institutional Distinctiveness 2022-23Download
17 Future Plan for the Session 2022-23Download
18 Code of Conduct Monitoring committee session 2022-23Download
19 Annual Gender Sensitisation Action Plan for the session 2022-23Download
20 Program Outcome 2022-2023Download
21 SSS 2022-2023Download
22 Feedback Analysis & ATR 2022-23'Download
23 IQAC Notification 2022-23Download
24 IQAC Meeting 2022-23Download
25 AQAR 2021-22Download
26 Procedure and Policies 2021-2022Download
27 Annual Report 2021-22Download
28 Best Practices 2021-22Download
29 7.1.9(2021-22) relevant document Download
30 7.1.1(2021-22) facilities for girl students Download
31 Activity Detail 2021-22Download
32 Future Plan 2020-21Download
33 Future Plan 2022-23Download
34 Future Plan 2021-22Download
35 Feedback Analysis & ATR 2021-22Download
36 Action Plan for Gender Sensitisation 2021-22 Download
37 Institutional Distinctiveness 2021-22Download
38 Procedure and Policy 2021-22Download
39 AQAR 2020-21Download
40 SSS 2021-2022Download
41 Program Outcome 2021-22Download
42 7.1.1 (2020-21) facilities for girl studentsDownload
43 7.1.9(2020-21) Activity DetailDownload
44 7.1.9 (2020-21) Relevant DocumentDownload
45 Institutional Distinctiveness 2020-21Download
46 Best Practice 2020-2021Download
47 Action Taken Plan for Gender Equity and Women Empowerment Download
48 Annual Report 2020-2021Download
49 SSS 2020-21Download
50 Feedback Analysis ATR (2020-2021)Download
51 Procedure and Policy 2020-2021Download
52 Programme Outcome 2020-2021Download
53 Future Plan for session 2019-20Download
54 Aqar 2019-20Download
55 Institutional Distinctiveness 2019-20Download
56 Best Practices 2019-20Download
57 SSS 2019-20Download
58 Course Outcome 2019-20Download
59 AQAR-2018-19Download
60 Best Practices 2018-19Download
61 IQAC-Notification 2021-22Download
62 IQAC Notification 2020-21Download
63 IQAC Notification 2019-20Download
64 Institutional Distinctiveness 2018-19Download
65 SSS-2018-19Download
66 Syllabus 2018 - 19 Download
67 Procedures and policiesDownload
68 IQAC Meeting 2021-22Download
69 IQAC Meeting 2020-21Download
70 IQAC Meeting 2019-20Download
71 IQAC Meeting 2018-19Download
72 AQAR Letter 2017-18Download